
Veeam License Merge Prior to 9 to 9.5 upgrade

Before upgrading to 9.5 U4 I had to merge those licenses so that both would still continue to operate after the upgrade. Prior to Update 4 you ...

Is upgrading from 9.5 still possible?

You have to upgrade to V10a first. For this you have to download new versions of your license files from the Veeam Website.

invalid license message shown when trying to install it

Download the latest version of the license available from your https://my.veeam.com portal, I'd also make sure to get a version in the 9.x format.

Migrate B&R from 9.5 to 11 License File Format

You can download the new license file from the customer portal (my.veeam.com) and provide it manually within the update process.

B&R 9.5 U4

2 physical servers running RedHat 6 with VEEAM Agent for Linux. Our license until now: 1 perpetual license (Socket based); 2 annual VEEAM agents.

9.5 Update 4 with 9.x perpetual license

Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: 9.5 Update 4 with 9.x perpetual license of Veeam Backup & Replication.

Updating Veeam Backup & Replication License

At the top right corner of the Veeam Service Provider Console window, click Configuration. · In the menu on the left, click Licensing. · On the ...

The Basics of Veeam Backup & Replication 9.5 Update 4 Licensing

The Hybrid License. This is what you need if you need/want to manage both perpetual and instances from the same VBR server . If you previously ...

Veeam 9.5 is now FREE...ish : rmsp

Veeam 9.5 standard is now free forever for anyone that has less then 10 VMs, aka everyone in the SMB market. Total game changer!

Will upgrading from v9.5 to v11 force me to upgrade my license?

Version 9.5 is version locked (can only be used in v.9.X). Starting with Veeam Backup & Replication v10 the license files are no longer version ...


Beforeupgradingto9.5U4Ihadtomergethoselicensessothatbothwouldstillcontinuetooperateaftertheupgrade.PriortoUpdate4you ...,YouhavetoupgradetoV10afirst.ForthisyouhavetodownloadnewversionsofyourlicensefilesfromtheVeeamWebsite.,Downloadthelatestversionofthelicenseavailablefromyourhttps://my.veeam.comportal,I'dalsomakesuretogetaversioninthe9.xformat.,Youcandownloadthenewlicensefilefromthecustomerpor...